Friday, January 15, 2010

Progress Report

Nothing new here to be honest, but a collection of drawings you have probably already seen. This is template is floating around on DA, thought I take a stab. Yeah I don't have those high school drawings since I was barely drawing on plain sheets of paper. From 2005 to 2006 I started to draw more because of my major but I really wasn't drawing that much outside of the classroom.

2006(summer)-2007 I began to sketch a lot more. Most of the images were barely complete. I drew mainly with a col-erase or a pen. I barely colored anything and made very little attempts to clean stuff up.

2007-2008 Copped a cintiq when I was at SDCC. Started to scan my stuff and colored it in photoshop. Due to work and meetings, I was constantly busy. Had very little time to draw so I just sketched on the paper work to look busy.

2008-2009 Drew with a col-erase, inked it, and then cleaned it up in photoshop. Most of the stuff I drew was school related. Whenever I had free time I would draw it and immediately post it on the interent without making any attempts to fix mistakes. After graduation I began to play around more with coloring, addings fx and filters. After talking to Phil and Jerome I switched my focus to honing my skills by flipping through anatomy books and working on my fundamentals. I drew less on paper and more on the cintiq. Most of the stuff I drew have no backgrounds and were basically flat since I was focusing more on getting the pose down.

Expect better drawings this year. Thanks for stopping by. Yeah this template reminded me of Guess Who for some reason so I threw that down instead of putting questions marks where the drawings should be.

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